
2 min readJan 27, 2021


As I hung up the phone the darkness seemed to consume me

The emptiness I felt, had me shaking by the echoes of your voice

The path I walked, seemed like a twilight zone. It kept going on, and on, and on and on. NEVER ENDING

The ocean suddenly seemed calm and friendly

As I seemed to get closer and closer, the sun seemed to shine brighter and brighter

As the breeze hit my face flashbacks seemed to take place

Question seem to rush to my brain, like the blood that flows through my veins

Who, what, where, when , why, and HOW

Question I needed answers too

What was I doing? Besides boohooing

A step away from floating with the fishes, I only had two wishes

One, being to see your face again

Even though I knew I would probably have to count to 10

But being able to show you how this broken butterfly can be whole, once more. Even with you closing that door

And two, how dare you..try to crush MY HEART

As I stand before you awakened, I MUST let you know I’m admired by those who loves me for ME. Those who choose to open their minds and their hearts to ME. I thank them for building me up and holding MY HAND

Making me feel like I’m in a marching band

Standing tall and sharing my song

Dancing and prancing I feel… I feel like I BELONG

So what a waste I would have been

If ONLY I didn’t realize the love, that I had… WITHIN




Sometimes it feels good to just write and not be judged ,but supported. Finding my happy place.